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NGO list Spain


List of NGOs in Spain. 630 NGOs. 555 Telephones. 286 Emails


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List of NGOs in Spain. 630 NGOs. 555 Telephones. 286 Emails


Although any private organization is, strictly speaking, a non-governmental organization (NGO) (for example, a non-profit company), the term NGO1​ is used to identify organizations that are not part of the governmental spheres or companies whose fundamental purpose is not profit. They are generally made up of and run by ordinary citizens who share a common vision and mission, and can obtain funding from the Government, other NGOs (such as foundations), or private individuals or companies. Some NGOs, in order to maintain managerial autonomy and impartiality, avoid official funding and work through volunteers. Sometimes the term is used as a synonym for “civil society organization” to refer to any association founded by citizens.

The NGO universe is made up of a very diverse group of organizations engaged in a wide range of activities and located in different parts of the world. Some may be charitable, while others qualify for tax exemption based on recognition of their social purposes, and others may be sources of political, religious or other interests.

It is estimated that the number of NGOs operating in the United States reaches more than one and a half million. Russia has 277,000 NGOs. In India it is estimated that there are about two million NGOs (2009 data), just over one NGO for every 600 inhabitants, the same number of primary schools and health centers found in India.

NGOs are difficult to define and classify, as the term is not always used consistently. In some countries, the term NGO is applied to an organization that would be called an NPO (non-profit organization) in another country, and vice versa. As a result, many different classifications exist. The most common focus is on 'orientation' and 'scope of operation'. The orientation of an NGO refers to the level of participation in its activities by the target community. These activities may include human rights, environment, health or development. The scope of operation of an NGO indicates the scale at which it works, which can be local, regional, national or international.

The first mentions of the term NGO was in 1945, the year in which the United Nations Organization (UN) was created. The UN, which is itself an intergovernmental organization, managed to allow certain internationally approved non-state specialized agencies, that is, non-governmental organizations, to obtain observer status at its assemblies and some of its meetings. Later, the term was widely used, and today, according to the UN, any private organization independent of government administration can be called an NGO as long as it is non-profit, and not a criminal group or party. politician.

One characteristic that these diverse organizations share is that, being non-profit, they are not hampered by short-term financial goals. As a result, they can focus on long-term issues, such as climate change, malaria prevention, or a global ban on antipersonnel mines. Public surveys reveal that NGOs enjoy a very high degree of trust on the part of citizens, which can be a useful indicator, although not always sufficient, of the concerns of society and of the agents involved.

Databases in Formato XLS.

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Category (Sector)
  • Assessment average (Rating) and number of reviews
  • province
  • City
  • Address
  • URL
  • Latitude
  • Length
  • URL Google Maps
  • Iframe
  • Image (URL)
  • Availability of Google Business to claim the business
  • Opening Hours


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